Thursday, June 1, 2023

4.2 News Sources


1. What are your news sources? mention some advantages and disadvantages.

- Virtual newspaper

ADVENTAGES: If something happens at a certain time, after a while we find out through social networks what is happening.

DISADVANTAGES: there are many different news pages and they contradict a lot

-Television NEWS 

ADVENTAGES: we are informed of what is happening at present, especially with issues related to politics, economy and local newsDISADVANTAGES:they have too much advertising


2. Look for news reports and use the reported speech.

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- The news says that a man died in a traffic accident in Barranquilla


-The mayor's office of Barranquilla says when the library and the museum will be inaugurated


-Mayor Jaime Pumarejo tells the government how to take advantage of natural gas reserves